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5 Ways To Make Bangers and Mash Healthier

Bangers and mash is one of the most widely beloved dishes in the UK. Sadly for those of us on a health kick though, it's not the healthiest! But have no fear. Over the years I've found several ways to make bangers and mash healthier without compromising on tastiness.

four chipolata sausages served with a mixture of seasoned potatoes and broccoli

1. Opt For Chicken Sausages

This one might be a tough sell for purists. However, it's one of the easiest ways you can make bangers and mash healthier for your heart and gut.

The sausage and burger company Heck make particularly nice chicken sausages which I've served with mash before with great success. Pair it with some simple yet yummy chicken gravy and you're on to a winner.

Heck chicken sausages frying in a pan

2. Crush, Not Mash!

Making a rich, creamy mash requires copious amounts of butter. Some people even add milk or cheese just to get the most out of their potatoes.

But by instead boiling and crushing your potatoes, you can get away with adding much less calorie-laden extras. In fact, most of the time I just boil my potaotes, rough them up a little and toss them with olive oil, garlic, salt and pepper and just a touch of butter.

healthy bangers and mash, consisting of seasoned potatoes, gravy, and chicken sausages

If you're still determined to opt for the classic mash, swapping butter for margarine can be a good way to lower saturated fat levels in the dish.

3. Maximise Your Greens

Peas are the traditional choice here. However, while they're a good source of fibre and protein, they aren't all that exciting. And so they often get forgotten about or take up just a small space on the plate.

For this reason, I like to swap the peas for something with more bite and character to it like broccoli. Broccoli is great for soaking up flavour from the gravy and - as long as you're careful not to overcook it - it's got a great bite which contrasts wonderfully with mash.

a pan full of frying sausages, and a pot full of cubed boiled potatoes and broccoli next to it

I like to make sure that my greens take up one third of the plate and no less. This leads me to feeling fuller but less bloated: a win win!

4. Skip The Yorkshires

While yorkshire puddings aren't an essential element of bangers and mash, many people include them because they go so well with gravy.

But if you want everything on your plate to pack a nutritional punch that's worth the calories, you might want to skip them.

a healthy version of bangers and mash, with seasoned potatoes, gravy and broccoli

If you're really committed to making your bangers and mash healthier, swap the yorkshires for extra broccoli! Or more potatoes for that matter. Even replacing a yorkshire pudding with an extra sausage is a good idea as sausages are packed with protein.

5. Grill Or Bake Your Sausages

If you're anything like me, you can't resist a fried sausage. Frying, however, requires the use of extra oil. Not to mention that you need to keep a close eye to make sure your sausages don't burn...

Grilling or baking your sausages, while potentially more time consuming, is a simple way to make bangers and mash healthier while also saving on dishes and oil!

A smiling Evie wearing an apron
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