A logo with a tomato and the words Dinner with Evie
Serves 2-3
  • pasta (eg. penne) for 2-3 people
  • approx. 5 cloves of garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • sea salt (for cooking your pasta)
  • 1 tin (approx. 145g) of tuna
  • freshly grated parmigiano reggiano
  • 1 small handful of dried or fresh chives

Aglio e Olio with Tuna

Aglio e olio with tuna (or tonno) is my take on an Italian classic. (As well as simply an excuse to eat tinned tuna, an incredibly underrated ingredient!). Aglio means 'garlic' in Italian and olio refers to olive oil. These simple ingredients marry beautifully with tuna, black pepper and a generous helping of parmigiano reggiano. Delicious!

aglio e olio with tuna, garnished with thinly cut chives

Step 1

Slice your garlic quite thinly (don't worry about making it transparently thin), and slice your chives if you're using fresh ones.

Step 2

Add the sliced garlic into a cold, wide frying pan along with a generous slosh of olive oil. Start heating slowly.

Start boiling your pasta.

thinly slices garlic frying in oil in a wide frying pan

Step 3

Keep the heat on low and when the garlic starts to fizzle, add 10 grinds from your pepper grinder and stir.

thinly sliced garlic and black pepper frying in a pan

Continue to stir frequently and once the garlic has been fizzling vigorously for about 30 seconds, turn off the heat and stir again.

The garlic will continue to cook in the hot oil.

The garlic can turn a little golden round the edges but if you see it start to burn, halt the cooking process by stirring in a knob of cold butter.

thinly sliced garlic, slightly golden at the edges, frying in oil

Step 4

Leave your garlic, oil and pepper to sit in the pan while you finish cooking your pasta, grate your cheese and open your tin of tuna.

I prefer to use no-drain tuna or tuna in spring water rather than brine or oil, as I want the main oil in this dish to be olive oil and the main salty flavour to be parmigiano.

a tin of no-drain tuna

Step 5

Before draining your cooked pasta, pour 3 tablespoons of the pasta water into the garlic, oil and pepper. Then add the pasta to the pan, turn the heat on low, and stir until everything is well combined. Turn off the heat and add the cheese, followed by the tuna.

aglio e olio with penne, garnished with parmigiano

aglio e olio with tuna and parmigiano

Stir everything together slowly and methodically to make sure nothing spills out the sides of your pan.

penne pasta and tuna being stirred with a spatula in a pan

Step 6

Garnish with another helping of pepper, the chives, and three more tablespoons of olive oil. Then dish up and let your guests add as much parmigiano as they like!

aglio e olio with tuna, garnished with chives, presented in a pan

A smiling Evie wearing an apron
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