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Can I Use Light Halloumi For Halloumi Burgers?

In my experience, halloumi and light halloumi can be used interchangeably. I personally use light halloumi for halloumi burgers and salads all the time. However, there are a few differences to consider. So here's my breakdown of the differences, plus a tried and tested light halloumi burger recipe you're sure to love.

a halloumi burger garnished with salad leaves, pink onions and a slice of tomato

The Differences Between Halloumi and Light Halloumi

1. Fat Content

Boasting about 10 less grams of fat per 100g, the first benefit of light halloumi is that it's a better choice if you're on a low-fat diet and still want to enjoy this ingredient.

It's not a staggering difference, but that's probably a good thing as it means light halloumi is still nice and satiating.

2. Cooking Time

Because of this lower fat content, light halloumi cooks faster. Depending on how you look at it, this can be either a benefit or a drawback. Something that cooks faster is slightly more convenient. However, it will also burn faster, so keep a close eye on your light halloumi in the pan.

The photo below shows some light halloumi slices I overcooked slightly. However, they were still delicious, especially after being drizzled with honey.

halloumi slices frying in a pan. some are slightly overcooked

3. Structural Integrity

Personally, I have found that full fat halloumi is slightly crumblier than light halloumi. This means you can thinly slice light halloumi without it falling apart.

4. Saltiness

Light halloumi tends to be less salty than its full-fat counterpart. This, in my opinion, is an outright benefit as halloumi is an incredibly salty cheese, sometimes overpoweringly so.

What do halloumi and light halloumi have in common?

1. Squeakiness

Halloumi and light halloumi share the same squeaky, chunky texture. This was one thing I was afraid I'd miss out on with light halloumi. But I found myself pleasantly surprised.

2. Taste

I mentioned that light halloumi is less salty. However, apart from that subtle (and, in my view, positive) difference, the flavour is exactly the same. Phew!

3. Appearance

As long as you take note of light halloumi's shorter cooking time, you can use light halloumi for halloumi burgers, halloumi fries, a salad or pasta dish without anyone knowing! Because they look exactly the same.

fried halloumi slices in a bowl

Light Halloumi Burger Recipe

  1. Cut your light halloumi into slices. I prefer this to the alternative (frying whole half-blocks) as it gives the burger a more dynamic textute and allows more surface area for the tasty coating.

  2. Fry the slices in olive oil until they're golden brown on both sides. Try to turn only once.

  3. Put your halloumi slices in a bowl, drizzle honey and sesame seeds on top and mix.

    fried light halloumi slices garnished with honey and white sesame seeds

  4. Serve in a brioche bun with barbecue sauce, salad and jalapeƱos.

A smiling Evie wearing an apron
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