A logo with a tomato and the words Dinner with Evie
Serves 6
  • 1 knob of butter (or dairy-free alternative)
  • Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 1/2 a large carrot
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 3 sweet potatoes
  • 1 chicken stock pot / stock cube
  • A small handful of fresh chives

Carrot and Sweet Potato Soup

You can whip up this carrot and sweet potato soup in less than an hour. It's delicious, fresh-tasting and a perfect low-stress addition to soup season. Not to mention that the deep golden hue looks stunning in a colourful casserole dish at a dinner party.

a pot of sweet potato and carrot soup, garnished with chives

Step 1

Dice your carrot and onion, mash your garlic, and peel your sweet potatoes. Then melt the butter in a large pot and add the carrot and onion, along with as much black pepper as you like. Fry on a low heat for around 8 minutes, stirring regularly.

a selection of soup ingredients, including carrot, sweet potatoes, chives, onion, and two garlic cloves

diced carrot and onion on a chopping board next to a knob of butter

Step 2

The onion and carrot shouldn't need much nursing, so you can use this time to cube up your sweet potatoes. As long as the chunks are of equal size, it doesn't matter how big they are as everything will get blended in the end.

diced carrots and onion cooking in a pot

carrot and sweet potato soup cooking in a large pot on the hob

Step 3

When the onions and carrot are almost done, add in your garlic and stir that around for 30 seconds or so. Then add in your sweet potatoes and stock pot along with a litre and a half of water.

a blender filled with unblended carrot and sweet potato soup

a blender filled with blended carrot and sweet potato soup

Step 4

Bring everything to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer until the sweet potatoes are tender (20-30 minutes). You can finely chop your fresh chives while you're waiting. Then allow to cool if necessary (my blender can't take hot soup), blend until smooth, and enjoy!

(If, like me, you've used salted butter, you might find this soup is salty enough, as chicken stock tends to be salty too. If not, season with sea salt before serving.)

  • This is a fantastically customisable soup. If you have more than half a large carrot, fine! If you only have one sweet potato and want to bulk it out with regular potatoes, also fine!
  • I find that veg soups are filling on their own, but if you want to pair this with some carbs, toasted sourdough with butter works a treat.
  • For a more aesthetically pleasing bowl (e.g. for family gatherings or having friends over), add the chives to each bowl individually and let the guests stir them in themselves.
A smiling Evie wearing an apron
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