A logo with a tomato and the words Dinner with Evie
Serves 2-3 (5 large patties)
  • 90g grated cheddar
  • 290g grated courgette
  • 1 small teaspoon of nutmeg
  • 1 large garlic clove
  • black pepper
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 heaped tablespoons of plain flour
  • 1/8 cup of exra virgin olive oil
  • oil for your pan (eg. cold pressed rapeseed oil)
  • 1 fresh lemon wedge to garnish
  • sea salt to garnish

Cheddar and Courgette Patties

These cheddar and courgette patties are soft, light, and SO yummy. You can make lots of small patties with this recipe, making them perfect for gatherings, or do what I prefer and make 4 or 5 huge ones. Perfect with tzatziki or a simple garnish of lemon and sea salt.

cheddar and courgette patties on a plate, garnished with a lemon wedge

Step 1

Grate your cheddar and courgette into two separate bowls.

Step 2

Squeeze the excess water from your courgette by hand.

(I like to do this over a colander in the sink so that I don't lose any courgette. You can also wrap the grated courgette in kitchen roll and squeeze it between two plates.)

grated cheddar on a plate and a colander with grated courgette inside

Step 3

Grate or crush your garlic and put it in a large bowl along with the grated cheddar and courgette. Add around 10 grinds of black pepper along with a teaspoon of nutmeg, and mix everything together.

Step 4

Crack in your eggs and add to the mix along with your flour and olive oil. Combine until everything is evenly mixed through.

raw cheddar and courgette patty mix

Step 5

Lightly oil a griddle pan on the hob and turn up the heat to medium-high. Then scoop your cheddar and courgette patty mix into evenly sized patties in the pan. Don't worry too much about making them pretty.

cheddar and courgette patties cooking in a griddle pan

Step 6

After about a minute and a half flip them over. Repeat every couple of minutes until you're happy with the colouration on your patties. This will take 5-8 minutes.

golden cheddar and courgette patties in a griddle pan

Step 7

Serve warm (or cold, but I prefer them hot) with sea salt, lemon juice, and some greek yoghurt or tzatziki, and enjoy!

  • A nice, albeit more costly, alternative to cheddar in this recipe would be feta. This is a real end-of-the-month meal for me though, so I wanted to keep things inexpensive.
  • No griddle pan? No problem! You can fry your cheddar and courgette patties in any large frying pan you have at your disposal. I just like the pattern that the griddle pan leaves on the outside of the patty.
A smiling Evie wearing an apron
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